Dr Charles Richard Drew
Influencers, Innovators and Inspiration

Six Facts about Dr. Charles Drew - From Athlete to America's Blood Bank Hero

February 25, 2021

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September 5, 2024
Experiential Learning

Learn By Doing: Building the Case for Experiential Learning

Experiential learning refers to learning which is also known as work-based learning (WBL). Hands-on experiences allow the learner to connect theory and knowledge to real-world applications. Sir Richard Branson famously said, “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and by falling over.”

Many students learn best through experience. Traditional lectures can sometimes be ineffective for these learners, as they may tune out or struggle to retain the information until they can apply it in a real-world context. Experiential learning bridges this gap in learning styles by providing hands-on experiences, making the material more tangible and relevant.

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January 8, 2021
Experiential Learning

Don your Lab Coats for the Viruses & Preventive Medicine Challenge

Welcome to the Viruses and Preventive Medicine Envisionary Lab Challenge! Dive into the fascinating world of preventive medicine and discover whether a career in public health or research could be the path for you! Explore the topic of viruses, which has been spotlighted recently due to COVID-19, and learn about the work that goes into helping populations stay safe and healthy!

Learn to use the Epidemiological Triangle model to prevent infectious diseaseses and take on the role of a public health professional to develop a Public Awareness Campaign in response to a virus. We can't wait to see what you create! 


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February 4, 2021
Influencers, Innovators and Inspiration

Five Facts About the Late, Great George Carruthers

George Robert Carruthers (October 1, 1939–December 26, 2020) was an African-American inventor, physicist, engineer, and space scientist. Carruthers is most well-known for his contributions to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Apollo 16 mission. Although a brilliant man with multiple scientific accomplishments, his academic success was not immediate.