"This program really helped me solidify my interest in the computer science field. It helped expose me to different tools I'll need to succeed in the future and ideas on how to achieve what I want to achieve. I learned so much here and the program has given me a greater motivation to take initiative and work on my skills on my own as well."
– Yazhini, Envision Game & Technology Academy alumna
"After I was introduced to coding in unity, I found myself staying up late (probably more than I should have) to code and would sometimes sit on my bed just theory crafting new ways to make certain things work in unity. I never expected to become to so addicted to coding so fast."
– Tymon, Envision Game & Technology Academy alumnus
"My son found his tribe. He already knew he loved programming. This program allowed him to expand his skills. More importantly, he found people that share his interests. He's been on the computer interacting with them daily through Skype and other platforms."
– Andrea S., mother of Envision Game & Technology Academy alumnus