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background-image: a theacher and four students looking at a globe
June 14, 2024
Top Tips

What Makes a Great Teacher?

Being a great teacher transcends the mere act of imparting knowledge; it's about making a meaningful impact on students' lives. A great teacher is equipped with a distinctive set of qualities that enable the creation of a nurturing and engaging learning environment.

This article delves into the key attributes of a good teacher, the significance of classroom management, the necessity for continuous professional development, the importance of building relationships with students, effective instructional strategies, and the profound effect of inspirational teaching. By understanding what makes a good teacher, we can aspire to provide the best educational experiences for our students.

background-image: a theacher and four students looking at a globe
April 28, 2024
Top Tips

How to Supercharge Your Study Habits

Looking for high school study tips to help you raise the bar academically? You've come to the right place! At Envision, we understand how vital academic excellence is, and we're here to equip you with effective strategies for honing your study habits. Let's dive into the tactics that will help you shine in your studies.

background-image: a theacher and four students looking at a globe
March 13, 2024
Top Tips

6 Tips for Choosing Your College Major

Deciding on a college major is a big deal. It's one of those decisions that can greatly shape the direction of your future career. With so many choices out there, you need a clear sense of what you really want to study and what truly piques your interest. We've got 6 handy tips to help you navigate your way through this major college decision.

background-image: a theacher and four students looking at a globe
March 5, 2020
Top Tips

Inspiring Kids to Unplug

Could your children go without their smartphones for a week? How about a day? Would the benefits of a “screen-free” existence outweigh the pain and anguish? Here are some good reasons to take a break from tech, and some tips to help your children – or you – accomplish it.

background-image: a theacher and four students looking at a globe
March 6, 2018
Top Tips

Sage-like Tips for Communicating in the Digital Age

A few years ago, learning how to communicate through hand-writing was the focus.  Today, it's more about the content and context of what you say, especially in the Digital Age where everything has the potential to live forever.  Read more for tips for clear and considered ways to communicate online for every age group.

background-image: a theacher and four students looking at a globe
October 2, 2017
Top Tips

Mid-Term Organization Tips for Teachers and Students

The first week of October is “Get Organized Week.” Perfect timing, as we head into mid-terms/semi-finals season! Then the holidays hit. Here are tips for both students and teachers, to help you prepare for the hectic days ahead.