Math aficionados of all ages think of March 14 as Pi Day (3/14—get it?). Some folks even pause for a moment of observance when the clock hits 1:59, because Pi taken out to the fifth decimal place is 3.14159.
Pi is one of the most fascinating numbers in the world of mathematics, and not just because it’s necessary for calculating the size of a circle. Pi is a real number with a nonrepeating decimal expansion that goes on infinitely. Infinitely, as in, without ever ending.
Mathematicians often challenge themselves by calculating and/or reciting Pi out to as many places as they can. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, a Chinese man in 2005 recited Pi to 67,890 places.
That’s one way to celebrate Pi Day.
Sharpen Your Skills
Another way to observe the calendar’s most important math-centered holiday is to bake a pie. Sound frivolous? It’s not. Food preparation is one of the most fundamental exercises in experiential learning. Consider the following skills that pie-baking hones:
- Ability to follow instructions. This is a job skill that every employer is looking for. Baking is a particularly effective way to sharpen this skill because if you don’t follow the instructions, the final product probably won’t look right and it probably won’t taste right. And what clearer feedback can you ask for than the kind you have to eat?
- Attention to detail. Is it important to note the difference between a tsp. and a Tbsp.? Well, if you’re at the doctor’s office for a shot, is it important for your health care provider to note the difference between 0.5 ml and .05 ml? There will be times when attention to detail can be a matter of life and death. So why not practice this discipline by making something delicious?
- On-the-spot decision making. It can be nerve-wracking trying to judge the exact moment when something is done baking. But such judgments need to be made and you can’t afford to linger over them. Life is like that, sometimes, and it’s good to be ready.
- Improvisational skills. Recipes are good to have, but what happens if you find you’re missing an ingredient? What if you’re allergic to pecans or simply don’t like the taste of cinnamon? Pie baking provides a great outlet for practicing flexibility, creativity and collaboration. After all, almost anything can go into a pie. Using your imagination can bring unexpected benefits.
- Patience. One of the more underrated skills on the job and in life, patience pays off. Conversely, a lack of patience can have a steep price. Just ask anyone who’s ever taken a mouthful of undercooked pie crust.
Where to Get Started
Pie recipes are available for every level of skill and ambition. Many beginners prefer to start with a mix or a prepared dough for the crust.
For a truly hands-on experience, though, we recommend making the crust from scratch. The baking education center at King Arthur Flour offers a step-by-step pictorial guide to making pie crust from scratch.
Food 52 offers a selection of over one thousand pie recipes that its experts consider the best out there. Traditionalists favor the one for apple pie, but every type of sweet and savory pie you can imagine is also represented.
Envision wishes you a very happy Pi Day. And may the satisfaction derived from your Pi Day pie be as infinite as the nonrepeating decimal expansion of an irrational number!
background-image: a building with the American flag in front of it