It takes a certain kind of student to be a science major. Not only do they have to appreciate science and its boundless limits, they have to possess
specific behaviors to be successful in such a demanding field. You may notice these character traits the next time you come across a science major, or you
may even notice them about yourself! Successful science majors are:
Although we are all born with an innate sense of curiosity, science lovers are especially curious, and are constantly seeking answers and investigating.
According to a study, students
who are very curious tend to remember things more vividly than those who are not – a skill that comes in handy when having to memorize the whole periodic
A logical thinker will examine all the evidence or facts before reaching a decision. The ability to use logical thinking is crucial for conducting
experiments, testing theories, and creating a thesis. The benefits of logical thinking extend far beyond the classroom as well, as most science majors are
excellent at debate, reasoning, and organization.
Problem solvers.
Science majors are accustomed to plans going awry. What makes them successful is that they are determined to get to the root of the problem. They are not
afraid to adapt to new situations and they tend to appreciate challenges and mishaps if it means learning something useful along the way.
This character trait is essential for handling long nights in the library, extra hours on projects, and countless after-school meetings. There is a great
deal of accuracy needed in science, and successful students know that putting in extra effort, no matter how tedious it may seem at times, will be worth it
in the long run.
With myriad possibilities for careers, science majors are motivated and constantly seek ways to improve and learn. If you look at the advancements and discoveries science has made in the past
decade, it’s clear that the people behind it definitely possess this key trait!
Do you think you have the right character traits to take on science full time? If you’re interested and just need a little extra help developing the
behaviors needed to succeed in this field, try out one of our experiential summer programs! Gain the confidence you need to be a
successful science major while getting involved in some seriously cool experiments.
background-image: a building with the American flag in front of it